1. Empathy: Servant leaders strive to understand and empathize with others. They work to understand the needs, feelings, and perspectives of their team members, showing compassion and genuinely caring for them.
2. Listening: Effective servant leaders listen actively to their team members. They value others' opinions, seek to understand what is said (and what is left unsaid), and encourage open communication.
3. Healing: One of the great strengths of servant leadership is the potential for healing one’s self and others. Servant leaders recognize the emotional pains and struggles of their team and strive to create an environment that supports emotional recovery and well-being.
4. Awareness: Servant leaders are self-aware and also have a keen sense of situational awareness. They are conscious of themselves, others, and the environment around them, which helps in making informed decisions.
5. Persuasion: Rather than using their authority to coerce compliance, servant leaders rely on persuasion to influence others. They build consensus within groups, which fosters collaboration and buy-in from team members.
6. Conceptualization: Servant leaders have the ability to see the big picture. They can conceptualize the vision and direction of their organization or team and communicate this vision in a way that inspires others.
7. Foresight: This involves the ability to foresee the likely outcome of situations. It helps in understanding the lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and the likely consequence of a decision for the future.
8. Stewardship: Servant leaders take responsibility for the resources and people they have been entrusted with. They prioritize the needs of others and are committed to serving the best interests of their organization or community.
9. Commitment to the Growth of People: Servant leaders are committed to the personal, professional, and spiritual growth of every individual in their team or organization. They nurture an environment where people can develop and flourish.
10. Building Community: A servant leader focuses on building a sense of community within the organization. They foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and mutual respect, which enhances team cohesion and organizational effectiveness.
Source — Leadership: Theory and Practice by Peter G. Northouse